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Protect Your Playlist Against Fake Reports Bots & Hackers


+ 1500 Playlists Saved Against 132 000 Attemps

We're digital bodyguards

We Protect Playlists against attacks

Allowing you to save time & money

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How can we help you

  • Playlist Protection

  • Update Playlist Name Over API

  • Update Playlist Description Over API

  • Playlist Refresher

  • Update Artwork Over API

  • Restore Playlist Metadata

  • Email Updates

Why You Need PlaylistSavior

Unfortunately for all the playlist curators on Spotify has reporting systems, that advantages bad actors.


If you weren't able to see you playlist on Spotify or the name was deleted, it's because of fake reports.


Some people hire click farms to reports your playlist to gain an advantage over you.


But now you can protect yourself


“I'm a playlist curator for over 2 years a few weeks ago I almost gave up on my playlists, because they were abusevely reported every 15min, since i used  your website my playlist is fine, I can't thanks you enough"


"Before subsribing to their service, I needed to manually upload my playlist info every 30 mins because it was flaged by bots, now it get automaticly upladoed with their website I'm so happy"


“It's a game changer, I can finally focus back on my playlist and not on dealing with playlist hackers”

Dj Performing Live Music

Our Services


Standard Plan

  • Playlist Protection

  • Playlist Refresher

  • Update Artwork Over API

  • Restore Playlist Metadata

  • Update Every 10 Minutes

  • Protect 1 Account

  • Protect Up to 1 Playlists


Premium Plan

  • Playlist Protection

  • Playlist Refresher

  • Update Artwork Over API

  • Restore Playlist Metadata

  • Email Updates

  • Protect Up to 5 Playlists

  • Protect 1 Account

  • Update Every 5 minutes


Expert Plan

  • Playlist Protection

  • Playlist Refresher

  • Update Artwork Over API

  • Restore Playlist Metadata

  • Email Updates

  • Protect Up to 100 Playlists

  • Protect 5 Accounts

  • Update Every 2 minutes

  • Priority Customer Support 


Get to Know Us

We created this website initially to protect our Spotify Playlists against bots. Our Playlists were being falsely reported. 


How PlaylistSavior Help Playlist Curator

  • Our AI, Scanned And Protects Your Playlist

  • Protects Your Playlist Against Fake Reports

  • AI Will Keep All Your Followers And Will Re-Upload Your Playlist Name

  • Protected Against Playlist TakeOver 

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Start your free trial today.


*No Credit Card Required*

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